Are you a fan of contemporary humor? Do you enjoy the zing of Steve Martin, the wit of Woody Allen, and the audacity of David Sedaris? If so, I recommend you pick up One More Thing: stories and other stories by B.J. Novak.
You might be thinking, B.J. Novak--that name sounds familiar--and it should. B. J. Novak is best known as the Emmy-winning writer, actor, director and executive producer of the hit TV series, The Office.
His collection of 64 imaginative stories range from two or three sentences up to 18 pages. With a volume this size, there are bound to be a few ‘duds’, but overall, this broad spectrum of stories is clever and fresh--evoking the absurdities and beauty of our modern lives.
I was hooked immediately by the collection’s opening story, “The Rematch,” -- a clever sequel to the classic fable The Tortoise and the Hare where Novak imagines how the Hare attempts to get past the most shameful defeat of his life.
In “A Good Problem to Have,” a senior citizen reveals to an Elementary school classroom the heartbreak of how he invented the two-trains-leave-the-station math problem but never got credit for it.
One of my favorites in the collection, creates a mortifying misunderstanding between mega-best-selling novelist John Grisham and his new editor. In each story, Novak captures the “What if”-- from the absurd to the sublime.--and even the cringe-worthy.
Stop by the Sioux City Public Library to check out One More Thing by B.J. Novak or let us help you find a humor collection that will tickle your funny bone!
Support for Check It Out comes from Avery Brothers.